Home Youth 10 Teen Social Anxieties And How To Get Over Them

10 Teen Social Anxieties And How To Get Over Them


June 6, 2016:It sucks balls being an anxious person. You’re great when you’re with your friends, but there are certain scenarios that you just naturally find difficult. These anxieties make things very difficult, however there are ways to get past them. I don’t know about you, but I like throwing myself headfirst into my fears, which is easier said than done. It takes practice and time to get used to something you aren’t comfortable with, so don’t worry about messing up the next time.

1. Public Speaking


Public speaking is probably the most common fear people have. It really is a hard one to overcome because you have a whole room of people judging you. The best way to get over this is to just take a few deep breaths, take your time, and remember that 90% of the people in the room would feel the exact same way if they were in your place. I find that if you have cards or paper with you it gives you more confidence. And if all else fails? Channel Selena (as seen above).

2. Big Crowds

Being in a big crowd can make you feel really small. Remember that the crowd is broken down into just single people. Everyone there is just like you are, and there’s no reason to feel intimidated by it. If it’s a group of people all talking, take your time and wait for a natural chance to come into the conversation. There’s no need to force yourself or to shy away from it.

3. New People

You don’t know what they’re like and they don’t know you. Meeting new people can be great, but there are instances when it leads to an awkward conversation. You aren’t gonna hit it off with everyone instantly, some people are really easy to talk to, and there’ll be others who you have a bunch in common with. It happens to everyone, remember that some people aren’t gonna become your best friend within the space of a few minutes.

4. Boys/Girls You Like


Talking to them can be one of the scariest things in the world. The last thing you want to feel is rejection. A good way of overcoming this is to think of your crush as just another one of your friends. If you’re having trouble talking to them in the first place, don’t overthink it, think of them as just anyone else, then dive in. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but why not go for it?

5. Cashiers/Lines

You’re awkwardly fumbling to put your change back in your purse and grab your stuff while there’s a long queue of people waiting behind you, plus the cashier looks kinda pissed off. Time changes completely when you are panicking. In reality, it’s nowhere near as long as you think it is. Take your time because  we’ve all been there. Also take it from someone who worked in a shop, we never, ever, ever care about anything you do, we just looked pissed off because we wanna go home.

6. People Looking At


You pick up a pair of pants that you think look nice and you notice someone looking in your direction. Now you’re paranoid that they’re judging your choice of pants. Maybe you’re just waiting for a friend at a busy place and you start to think that people are judging you. People  are too focused on themselves to know what you’re up to.

7. Eating

It can be really hard to eat in front of people. You try really hard not to make a mess or to take a huge bite. Just remember that when there’s food in front of people it’s pretty much the only thing that they’re gonna focus on. If you need to just take your time then do that; savour the food, and remember that you eat perfectly normally.

8. Teachers


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Teachers can be really scary when it’s one on one. They’re there to help you, and if there’s something you don’t understand it’s much better that you ask the question than to just accept not understanding it. Your teacher isn’t going to care that you’ve stammered or that you word vomited. They only want you to learn, so they’ll be happy you came to them at the end of the day.

9. Being Indecisive

Being indecisive can be really difficult. If you make the wrong choice choose you feel like you’ve really fucked things up, or people have put you on the spot and you don’t know what decision to make. At the end of the day it’s just one decision, so try not to worry too much. Sometimes you just have to go with your instincts. It’s also important to accept that not all decisions turn out perfectly, but they have a way of working out.

10. Bathrooms


Bathrooms are where you do your private business. For some reason people congregate in bathrooms instead of just getting their business done and leaving. It can be really intimidating, especially for guys. Using the urinal is just awkward as hell, and if all the stalls are taken and you don’t wanna use the urinal it can make you feel weird just standing there waiting for the stall. Everybody gets conscious of themselves. If you’re in a stall just block everybody out, imagine it’s your own bathroom at home.