Home Fashion & Style Fashion myth around you!!

Fashion myth around you!!


27 November, 2015: Fashion is a wearable art and we see in recoloring time to time. But these days, fashion has been criticized; abused and misunderstood a lot that it has been a major belief among many heads.

Fashion has been tagged with cost, body size, spending power, trends and names among people. This criticism has become widespread. Fashion and lifestyle have been shed with many myths revolving around the heads.

Some of the myths associated with fashion are as such;

  1. Looking good needs money power

Yes there are high brands and trends such as Zara, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Versace that cost a fortune. But you need not aim for a brand trend to look fashionable. If you are craze for the brand then you may get it in the room where designers show out for sale being competitive.

Fashion is a statement that doesn’t need a money power. The major idea is to be simple and most importantly be comfortable in what you wear. You don’t have to spend high to look your best.

  1. Brand matters

This is a typical myth that sticks to many heads that if you own a brand then you own a fashionable tag. One without a brand is out of the style. Brand matters only as much as you want them. You don’t have to buy an item simply looking at the brand. Buy that meets your need rather than looking for the brand.

Fashion is an instant language, the way you dress is the way you’ll be addressed. Come smart and decent and see how you’ll be received.

  1. Skinny makes more fashionable

The most common critics passed by those who are fat. You don’t need to be skinny to be stylish. Your body structure doesn’t shape your style, it’s how you carry your wear matters and make you stylish. Fashion industry, these days have discarded the fallacy of considering the body structure on the runway.

Fashion is architecture, size doesn’t matter anymore.

  1. Men’s fashion is less in trend

This is not true. A men fashion is an exceptional. Fashion is what you make of it. Men’s fashion has revolutionized a lot. Men now have equally marked the fashion these days. Men fashion is most exciting as they can pull out best in anything.

Fashion isn’t a defined statement. It’s about a good attitude and carriage which can be carried out by both men and women equally.

  1. Heels make you more fashionable.

You don’t need heels to look stylish and elegant. If you feel awesome and comfortable in flats, go on with it. You just need to carry your shoes confidently no matter you come up with flats or heels. Flats even are go to event wear.

You don’t have to follow the latest fashion trend, just blindly be fashionable.  Fashion is not just beauty or the clothes you wear but about a good attitude and confidence you carry. Anyone can be stylish; all it takes is confidence and simply being you!!

Here are few words of today’s youth on the fashion myth around you;

Aaysha Pathak (Student)

“Designer dress only makes you fashionable”

-A dress which makes your structure and the comfy you get in it makes you fashionable addition to the attitude you carry.

Sushil Bohora(student)

“Follow the trend”

-You need not always go for the newer trend; go for the ones that suits you and comfortable to you!!

Alina Prajapati (General Manager, Glocal)

“Tall Girls need not wear high heels”

-I believe height doesn’t bind you whether to wear the heels or not. It’s the matter of carrying you own height.

Nishtha Sapkota (student)

“Only Skinny girls look good”

-Fashion is not about what body structure you have, it is all about the way you carry your wear.

Mukti Shankar Shrestha (Banker, Janata Bank)

“Casual shouldn’t be worn on offices”

-Organization should focus on the performance of the employee, rather than their dresses.

Pratima Sedian (Receptionist, Uniglobe College)

“Discontinue old trend”

-I would say that it’s a cycle, from a baby to child, teenager, young, adult, when its popular every one wear it. And when it’s outdated people will stop wearing. Wear what is comfortable to you and that you like.

Manish Jung Thapa (co-founder, Alligator)

“Fashion means expensive/brand clothes endorsed by celebs”

-Fashion is a window to your soul and not necessarily the brand or the trend you follow. For me it’s a statement which does the explaining for you. For me fashion is my dad’s old plaid shirt and his 20 years old loafers paired up with a white t-shirt and blue ripped jeans.


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