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My fond memories from the journey with Butwal Coder Girls, story of Meera Aryal


Being part of Butwal Coder Girls gave me a new identity and recognition, and helped me to connect to the society.

When I was in the seventh grade, I got a chance to study computer science subject for the first time. At that time, computer was totally a new and interesting subject for me.

I wondered how it functioned and what all these parts were. My curiosity about the computer increased gradually, and technology field started to become my passion.

After my high school was over, it was my dad who supported me to join BSc.CSIT as my career and I was able to enter the field of my passion.

I vividly remember those days from the earlier semesters of the degree, when we only used to study what was in our textbooks. There used to be very little of practical classes. But, what we actually needed was to develop ourselves personally and be practically prepared as per the need of the IT industry. However, it was not possible only because of the college course.

Then happened Butwal Coder Girls (BCG), that worked as a catalyst for my passion and overall career into the IT field.

Yes, it is true that a network of people and small financial support along with the brilliant and innovative ideas is a must to establish an organization. But, as a founding member of Butwal Coder Girls, I can remember these were not the only things that helped us to establish BCG. It was all possible because of our belief, enthusiasm, and eagerness to do something. In those days, it was our president Sabita Neupane who presented us with her wonderful idea to collaborate with all IT interested girls. Our mutual desire and dedication of all the members is what made us reach the position where we are today.

Butwal Coder Girls has been a great platform for me to prepare myself according to current need of IT industry. I was able to develop my personality, presenting skills, and personal network being a part of the group. Counseling, motivation programmes, and different training provided by this initiative have become the great source of inspiration for me. It provided a very safe environment for me to get the practical knowledge, learn the leadership skills and gain extra confidence. Moreover, I was able to know more about myself, my strengths and my goals. Today, I can really feel the difference in myself.

Being part of Butwal Coder Girls gave me new identity and recognition, and helped me to connect to the society.

IT field is growing day by day, and has lots of scopes as it has been an integral part of every field.

By starting Butwal Coder Girls, we girl students in IT are making an environment in the Butwal region to encourage and support all those girls who want to enter the IT field. If any girl in the region is seeking for any kind of help related to IT, Butwal Coder Girls is always more than happy to assist you.

I want to end my story on a high note, saying, it is sure you will surely be successful if you dream and believe in yourself.

By Meera Aryal

The writer is studying BSc. CSIT 7th Semester at Butwal Multiple Campus.

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