Home Bangladesh Chapter Medical Voluntarism Rising in Bangladesh with M-Exchange

Medical Voluntarism Rising in Bangladesh with M-Exchange


Chittagong, April 23, 2016: Medical professionals from 8 different countries residing in Bangladesh are fulfilling their social responsibilities by carrying out medical camps and emergency relief activities. The main organizers are from M-Exchange, Chittagong.

M-Exchange, a pilot project is a platform for doctors and medical students with a spirit of service to volunteer their time — to provide health check-ups, consultation, prescription services, medication and supportive assistance in linking sick individuals to hospitals to initiate treatment. Their goal is to provide medical check-ups, vitamins, minerals and medication at zero cost to people who are in most need of assistance.


Previously, M-Exchange has been successful host of seven medical camps in which patients numbering more than 2300 availed the medical service in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazaar regions.


Recently M-Exchange collaborated with Magical Light Foundation (Singapore), Sandhani (CMC Unit), Lions Eye Hospital, Chittagong Grammar Community School and Charulata to host two medical and eye checkup camps; treating 250 school students with additional 40-60 out patients. This camp was of a bigger plan, providing medical checkup to over 600 students benefiting from free schools around Chittagong.


During the camps, all students underwent medical checkup by doctors and were provided with de-worming medicine and 100ml of multivitamin syrup mixed with cod liver oil. Students who were identified to be suffering from illnesses were provided with prescriptions and free medication. Referrals were directed to CMCH. Lions Eye Hospital provided eye check up with referral services to Lions free eye hospital for further management.


With continuation of such service, the M-Exchange has a mission to:

  • Enable people living in low income areas to receive free medical checkups and access to medicine.
  • Provide basic health education.
  • Eliminate Iatrophobia and to encourage people to visit legally recognized and registered doctors on a regular basis.

Currently M-Exchange is in its pilot phase and is looking to collaborate with other like-minded organisations in Chittagong.


By Sumayea Binte Shafiul