Home Youth Toyota Logistic Design Competition 2020

Toyota Logistic Design Competition 2020


Just working out how many pairs of socks you need when you’re off to the Seychelles, Milan or Timbuktu is a struggle in itself. The transfers also take it out of you. Be it trekking for miles at Frankfurt or misreading signs at Tokyo’s Narita airport. At long last you’re at the conveyor, waiting for that precious bag. Suitcase after suitcase rolls up, people yank them off the belt, but yours is nowhere to be seen. Damnation.

Maybe you feel you’d want to do something about this. Not just to rescue your own bag, but to improve or perhaps even change the whole system of baggage handling. Statistics reveal that 21.6 million bags were, as they put it, mishandled in 2016. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Then again more than four billion bits of baggage were handled by airports in 2017. So, whichever way you look at it, baggage handling is a major operation.

If you feel that improving airport baggage handling is your bag, so to speak, you have an opportunity to enter this competition. Baggage handling at airports could do with a proper makeover. This is the theme of the design competition. Also you come up with a solution for the whole system. (Big task.) Or you concentrate on improving one particular aspect of baggage handling. (No small task, either.)

They firmly believe the whole world’s waiting for turgid and flawed baggage handling to go away forever. Don’t try to second-guess what we’re after. Instead, do exactly what you like! Those of you who are lucky will be handsomely rewarded with a cash prize.


  1. First prize €5,000
  2. Second prize €3,000
  3. Third prize €2,000

Finalists will be invited to the prize ceremony in Sweden, and later their work will be exhibited at a fair in Hannover, Germany held on 20–24 April, 2020. Additionally, all winners will have the opportunity to apply for a six-month paid internship at a Toyota Material Handling Design Center.


  1. All university design students and also recent graduates (2019) can apply for this competition.
  2. Also undergraduates from field other that design students are open to apply.

Deadline: 22 October 2019

For further information, check their official link:


To register, the link is given below:
