Home Education Government withdraws Medical education bill under pressure from the opposition

Government withdraws Medical education bill under pressure from the opposition

Government withdraws Medical education bill under pressure from the opposition
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Kathmandu, July 1, 2018: A bid by the government to endorse medical education bill through fast track process was forced to withdraw as opposition party disagreed with the contents of the bill and threatened to obstruct the parliament on Sunday.

The proposed bill which goes against the spirit of the past agreements with Dr.Govinda KC promotes the private sector in education rather than government and makes it easier to get affiliations to medical colleges. The bill not only allows new issuance of Expressions of Interest (EoI) to start medical college even without setting up a hospital but also cuts the provision of providing full fee waiver to 75 percent of the total students of a public education institution. Supporting Dr. KC who has started his 15th fast-unto-death in Jumla to execute his demands, the opposition parties including Nepali Congress took strong exception to the bill stating that it only benefits to those having huge investments in medical sector.

Following the opposition party protest, the parliament on Sunday was put off  after they failed to reach the consensus and government moved to suspend the parliamentary regulations to table the bill.