Home Business GITC 2018: Presentation on Entrepreneurship

GITC 2018: Presentation on Entrepreneurship


Kathmandu, October 18, 2018: Aryaman Sojitra is a Young Entrepreneur from Gujarat. Organizing Youth Events, helping young startups to flourish, imparting knowledge & awareness about world issues and entrepreneurship is what he is passionate about. He presented a presentation on the Entrepreneurship Panel:

A very good morning to everyone present here. Thank you GITC to provide me with this opportunity. I am 17 years old who is trying to bring a change in society. Thank you, the organizing team, for presenting platforms for the young entrepreneurs.

There are the economic reasons why people start a business but right now I want to say, Work to learn, don’t work to earn. I believe in 4 Ps.

  • Passion: Passion is such a strong word. To pursue anything in life you need passion. If you have passion no one can stop you.
  • Practice: If you are passionate about something but you don’t practice, it’s useless.
  • Performance: You are passionate, you practice well but if you don’t perform to your best, you will not be recognized.
  • Patience: Especially in entrepreneurship, you all must be patience. You have to wait for lots of things.

When I was 15, I had told my parents that I wanted to do an event in my city. Initially, my parents were confused. Many of my friends criticized me. But slowly, I understood we need to be mature with a kid factor. So here are the things you have to be mature about:

  • Vocabulary: If you are going to meet anybody from higher authority, you have to change your vocabulary a little bit, not too much. You need to start using some professional terms.
  • Visions: The main problem with our teenagers from my country is that they limit their visions around the four corners. They are really creative with big ideas but are fearful what if we don’t succeed. When you limit your vision, you are kind a handicapped.
  • Action: The way you represent your personality matters a lot. So how you behave and dress up set up an impression to the person you are meeting to.

When people ask me, what are the qualities of a successful entrepreneur, I always say there is none because everyone is unique. So, a successful entrepreneur knows his core strength and spend the time to it further.

Entrepreneurship is more about failure. If there are 100 ideas k, there are chances than 98 will fail. So, you need to be prepared and patient. You don’t have to think about other people. Just stick with your idea.

Whenever you perceive in any idea, it must be unique and exclusive. Our youths are so innovative that one idea that you think here can already be tried by someone else in another country. So, you need to research about your idea. You need to know the steps to make your plan to the action. It’s really important to know your market, how will you be financing, you need to know everything! How many of you agree time is money? Almost everyone does. So that’s very true. You need to invest your time to do something productive.

You have to have self-confidence. Don’t compare yourselves with anyone else. Learn how to communicate well. At the same time learn how to listen. Networking is really necessary. You need to build a good reputation. Be professional so that it proves that you are ready to take the risks.

Thank you again GITC for inviting me here. It was a great pleasure.

By: Aryaman Sojitra, India,17 Years Entrepreneur