Home Education This high school senior got accepted in all 8 Ivy Leagues

This high school senior got accepted in all 8 Ivy Leagues

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Acceptance in all 8 Ivy leagues is not a small deal

A New York student, Harold Ekeh, not only did get into every college he applied to, but he got into ALL eight Ivy League schools.

That would be Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Penn, Dartmouth and Cornell.

Harold arrived in the United States from Nigeria at age 8 and spoke very little English. He’s now a senior at Elmont Memorial High School in Long Island, New York.

He explained that he was inspired by watching his parents’ hard work, recalling that they worked at Target to provide for the family.

Harold said he learned from them that he would need to adapt to American culture.

“Seeing my parents lead by example and being very tenacious. No matter how many times they’d get knocked down they would always keep going forward and persevere despite the potential to succumb to the circumstances. That was something that I really appreciated of my parents. I took their example and started talking to people on the playground and speaking to them. I tried to apply myself to the new environment and try to absorb,” he said.

Ekeh said his ultimate goal is to become a neurosurgeon and work on curing Alzheimer’s, a disease that befell his grandmother.

Though his decision hasn’t been made yet, Ekeh said he’s leaning toward Yale.

Source: Fox News


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