Home National Distribution of free sanitary pads in Rolpa

Distribution of free sanitary pads in Rolpa


Rolpa: Nepal Rastriya Basic School in Huama village of Rolpa has been providing free sanitary pads for the past two weeks. The pads are kept in a sanitary box hanging in the school toilet.

The pads are managed by the school in support of NGOs, including HURAC (Human Rights Awareness Center) and Save the Children. According to the school, it costs Rs.3 000 to buy pads. The move has come as a huge leap forward in empowering young children.

The school principal, Mr. Hukum Prashad Acharya said- “We observed a significant drop in the rate absence of female students during menstruation and believe that the distribution of sanitary pads and good environment for them at school has brought about good results. We want to make the school even more children-friendly.”

According to the principle, the school is preparing to add some infrastructures and furniture. The school has sought help from the local government for this.

Acharya added that they have over 200 children but could not be able to ensure quality infrastructures as well as furniture and seeking help from the local level. After distributing free cost pad distribution for female children, the results encouraged them to work in many other frontiers. Even a little change can make a massive difference.

The school runs classes till eighth grade and has 99 female students and 105 male students. According to the school management after the girl-friendly latrine initiation, female students have been far more regular at school.

Source: My Republica