Home Entrepreneur Profile A Visionary Entrepreneur: Nakim Uddin

A Visionary Entrepreneur: Nakim Uddin


Nepal, now, is a virgin land. It is up to the people to grab the opportunity and excel in it. – Nakim Uddin

Chairman of Quest Entertainment, Mr.Nakim Uddin is known for revolutionizing the cinema industry of Nepal. He is a visionary entrepreneur who managed to redesign the entire movie experience in Nepal. Nakim Uddin is one of the founders of QFX Cinemas, a company that has redefined the movie-going culture in Kathmandu.

Apart from introducing world-class cinema-going experience, Mr.Uddin has also produced movies like Kagbeni and Sano Sansar which have redefined Nepali filmmaking with digitized cinema. These movies immensely contributed to the development of the Nepali film industry. Gaining rich popularity among the young artists for his creative production ideas, Uddin’s work has been recognized by FNCCI with an Excellence Award.

A man known for his relentless pursuit in excellence Nakim’s name is highlighted in Nepali cinema industry with his pioneering high quality and international level entertainment facilities in Nepal the QFX cinemas. Uddin is also a travel enthusiast and his story is an inspiration to aspiring. Nakim Uddin is also the Co-founder of the Himalayan Climate Initiative. He is also the Chairman of Regal Cinemas Pvt.Ltd.