Home National Cricket Head Coach Pubudu Awarded with HVPP Human Value Award

Cricket Head Coach Pubudu Awarded with HVPP Human Value Award


10862460_782750691804368_3878306830081224099_oKathmandu, March 17, 2015: Human values for peace and prosperity (HVPP) has announced the first “HVPP human values award” to the head coach of Nepali cricket team, Pubudu Dassanayake.

Pubudu has played a lead role in the success of Cricket Nepal in the recent times. On 16th of March, exactly the day when Nepal played its first world cup match in 2014, the award will be handed to Pubudu amidst a program, in the HVPP office premises in Mitrapark, Chabahil.

Talking with Glocal Khabar, Mr.Pubudu says,” I have always given my best for Nepali cricket team and never expected this kind of honour. It is really a great feeling to receive the award.

“It is our upmost honor to felicitate a person who has sacrificed an easy life in his home and with family for the sake of giving Nepali cricket greater heights” says Bhawesh Khanal, the president of HVPP.

The international success of Nepali cricket has given a reason to the Nepalese, to unite amidst all the differences and Dassanayake has been one of the key roles in the team’s achievements. Hence, HVPP takes this honor of felicitating Mr. Pubudu Dassanayake for his contribution to Nepali cricket which has played a significant role in uniting Nepalese.


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