Home Education Library to School Handed by Nepal Army

Library to School Handed by Nepal Army


Bhimduttanagar, February 11, 2019: On the occasion of Saraswati Puja Nepal Army of Singashardul Company situated in Bhagatpur Barak had set up a library and haded it over the Santi Secondary School located at Punarbas municipality of Kanchanpur.

According to the Nepal Army, the library was given to the school with a vision of strengthening the relation of NA with the community. Bidurhowj Adhikari, Chief of the company had initiated the name of the library as “Anshubharma Library”.

On the occasion, chief of the company was honored by the school’s students. Likewise, Rajendra Rokaya the principal of the school also expressed his happiness regarding the Nepal Army’s contribution which would be a really great help to the students to build up their reading culture.