Home International CONTACT SOUTH ASIA 2014 Concludes



Glocal Khabar, Kathmandu, 14th December 2014, Conflict Resolution Across Culture (CONTACT) South Asia 2014 Concludes today. The CONTACT Peacebuilding Training and Education in South Asia program is a two-week professional training in conflict transformation. The Program was held from December 4 at Park Village Resort, Kathmandu, Nepal. The program served the needs of working professionals in countries in the SAARC region (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Tibet, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka) who want to further their skills and knowledge in peacebuilding and community development.


The program explores ways to confront the past, intervene in the present, and create a shared vision for a secure and sustainable future for the South Asia region. Through a combination of South Asia–focused readings, discussions, and experiential activities with faculty, participants develop a full range of peacebuilding skills and techniques.


Participants benefit from a unique opportunity to be in a diverse multicultural setting and share experiences and knowledge with their fellow peacebuilders by building collaborative cross-border relationships that will contribute to conflict transformation, sustainable peace, and increased development in the region.


The 10 days program was divided into two segments; the first four days were the general description of Conflict, Resolution, Understanding, and Vision and So on. The other days were for elective courses for which the participants were divided into two groups, one for Peace Mediation and the other for Memory, History and Reconciliation. Circus showcase by Circus Kathmandu Group, The Civil war Presentation by Kunda Dixit and the peace film by Interface Nepal was also show at the program and was ended with a Graduation Ceremony today.


The students were supported by many organizations, especially US Embassy to be able to take part.

The Course was full of pratical approaches, the classes were filled up with theatrical dramas, Concepts of Mosaic Arts and games. CONTACT South Asia gave the chance to build a fantastic network of youths, experienced, both genders, laureates and learners in South Asia.

CONTACT South Asia is being organized every year during these days of the year at Kathmandu.




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