Home Youth CareerPrep Fellowship Cohort 2 on Self Awareness

CareerPrep Fellowship Cohort 2 on Self Awareness


Kathmandu, August 29, 2018: CareerPrep Fellowship Cohort 2 kicked off with a session on “Self-Awareness” led by Ms. Rashmi KC, the Education Consultant at World Bank and Board Chair at Women Development Advocacy Center. She is a strong advocate for meditation and journey into oneself. The session was constantly guided by short meditation practices, to introduce the idea of the mind-body awareness, and urge the fellows to start noticing their sensations, thoughts and feelings.

The entire 4-hour session was driven by multiple activities and reflections on learnings from those activities, some of which included a compassion circle, writing kindness cards to each other, sharing intimate stories of struggles and successes, and exploring individual and collective strengths of the group.

Compassion goes a long way, it doesn’t only help the person you are being compassionate towards. It tremendously helps you to heal and grow, take at least 5 minutes out of your day to give yourself some time. Meditation will never hurt you. Exercise and go out in nature as much as you can, and give your body the “reset” that it deserves. And above all, be humble and confident were the takeaways from the session.

The next CareerPrep Fellowship Cohort 2 Facilitated Session will occur September 1 st on Goal Setting.

Application for Cohort 3 will open on August 31 st, 2018. For more information, please visit www.careerprep.asia