Home National GITC 2019 Calls for the Local Representatives

GITC 2019 Calls for the Local Representatives


Kathmandu, December 12, 2018: Glocal International Teen Conference (GITC) – 2019 calls out application for the role of Local Representatives. Any active member of the society aged between 15-20 who possess the Nepali Citizenship and has demonstrated leadership skills, proactive, dedicated and passionate to work for the development of youths, particularly teenagers is eligible to apply. The deadline for the application submission is 29th January, 2019.

It is an opportunity for the Local representatives to take up leadership and other roles from their respective home city in Nepal. They are expected to Initiate and execute various activities in their home district to promote GITC and GTH (Glocal Teen Hero). They should report the workflow and activities along with multimedia content to the GITC/GTH Committee.

All the Local representatives shall be certified for their works. The ‘Best Local Representative’ shall receive an invitation to attend the conference with a waiver of conference fees. 

For more information: https://gitc.glocalteenhero.com/local-representatives-role/