Home Diaries 3 Reasons Why Communication at Workplace is Important

3 Reasons Why Communication at Workplace is Important


The peculiar trait that we see in almost all great leaders around the world is their influencing communication style, which is often inspiring and intimidating at the same time. Each one has their own unique style of communicating their ideas, but what is most important is that they follow one simple formula- they speak to give. They communicate to inform, educate, entertain, inspire, often persuade and manipulate to make ends meet. The communication is consistent and is a display of their shared vision and passion for growth and progress. Communication is a key when it comes to making things bigger and better!

When it comes to value of communication Steve Jobs once explained, “Think of it this way. If you look at your own body, your cells are specialized, but every single one of them has the master plan for the whole body. We think our company will be the best possible company if every single person working here understands the whole master plan and can use that as a yardstick to make decisions against. We think a lot of little and medium and big decisions will be made better if all our people know that.”

Businesses today struggle to keep the communication consistent, often failing to make their employees feel valued. Underestimating the value of communication in a workplace is lethal and often a cost for any business. Communication is strategically aligned to the achievement of organizational goals and the following explains why.

Communication for purpose

It is utmost important for any business to show employees the goals as well as visualize actions to be taken in order to achieve them. When one understands his/her role more clearly then, this in turn, adds value and creates a pool of informed and engaged workforce.

Communication for empowerment

Businesses talk about productivity and efficiency but often forget to practice it by engaging employees. Communication allows employees to take right decisions through development of cohesive culture, thus empowering them. It is pivotal to the individual and organizational progress.

Communication for Feedback

Broadcasting employee progress is equally important to giving constructive feedback. Businesses should clearly understand that employees expect feedback and interaction. This also increases their morale, improve work performance and help reduce the employee turnover rates.

Communication is that simple technique that leverages great output in any organization. If used effectively, the results it yields is more phenomenal!

By: Anusha Kadel