Home Youth Dipisha Bhujel: a Flourishing Social Worker  

Dipisha Bhujel: a Flourishing Social Worker  


Dipisha Bhujel is 16 years old and describes herself as an unshakable optimistic person. She believes that platform for women to share their stories of mensuration  should be obligatory for the purpose of awaring the younger generations.

Dipisha is a +2 graduate who is passionate for helping people. Currently, she is involved in project called “It’s My First Period” that works for the promotion of menstrual health among teenagers under JCYCN. “Cherubic”, is an organization established by she and her friend to promote mental health. She is a youth campaigner at Association of Youth Organizations Nepal to encourage more youth for good governance and democracy. Through her workings she was able to build a Child-Friendly Environment by educating children at orphanage home about their rights, rescuing girls who were violated and teaching about menstrual health and hygiene.

Starting of her journey

Asking her on how she started her journey, she said, “Helping hand is the single most easiest thing you’ll ever do in life that can make a difference and have a momentous impact. I started working as a translator and later as a psychosocial support volunteer in a Canadian Red Cross Society Emergency Response Unit in 2015 and helped people through psychosocial support especially women of the community. That was the time I realized that my true passion lies in helping people. I also became a member in Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal to promote menstrual health and hygiene among adolescents.”

Making a difference

Dipisha has been volunteering from a small age. Giving something to the society is her passion. She has helped people through psychosocial support especially women of her community. Being an active member of Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal, she says she is promoting menstrual health and hygiene among adolescents.

She said, “Menstruation in our country is associated with various myths and restrictions leading to lack of awareness among adolescent girls. Insufficient menstrual hygiene practices are the cause of stress associated with menstruation and reproductive tract infections. I have my own project named ‘It’s my first period’ that works as a platform for women to share their story of periods.”

A step towards teen hero

When asked about what is Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero 2018 for her, she said,For me it is a platform to bring my work into light and make people know about what I have been doing so that other teenagers will get inspired by my work and they will be influenced to work for people too. It is also a platform to prove that ‘If you have the spirit and the will power to help people or to bring a change in the society then surely age is just a number.”

When you’ve touched someone’s life in a positive way, you feel connected to them; it’s a bonding experience. Helping others fulfills some of the most basic needs such as connecting with others and seeing how your actions make a positive difference. Those are the areas that help define a meaningful life. Dipisha believes that living for ourselves is not a big deal but to live for others is. Her dream is to break the chain of the social taboos.

“Making one-person smile may change the world. May be not the whole world but their world.”- Dipisha Bhujel

Dipisha Bhujel was selected among the 20 brightest young entrepreneurs, innovators and game changers below the age of 20 in Nepal, for the year 2018. This annual list is the ultimate honor roll of young game changers reshaping Nepal for the better. The platform seeks to encourage the youths to share their initiation, creativity, and enthusiasm which will then motivate them and more of the other youths in the nation to develop an entrepreneurial thinking.