Home Youth Opportunities Apply for Dalai Lama Fellowship Programme 2019

Apply for Dalai Lama Fellowship Programme 2019


Kathmandu, December 15, 2018: Application for Dalai Lama Fellowship Programme 2019 is now open with the deadline of February 3, 2018. Any individual between 20-35 years of age who are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate schools at the time of applying and who intend to be enrolled and on campus during their Fellowship year is eligible to apply.

 Dalai Lama Fellowship offers emerging leaders a rigorous, interdisciplinary program on ways to be a different kind of leader, a leader that connects and cares for self, extends genuine compassion to others, and works for our common humanity. Fellows cultivate practices in mind training for increasing self-awareness, self-care, and resilience, for connecting with others and working across differences, and in building solutions for generations to come.

For more information: https://fs4.formsite.com/dalailamafellowsorg/xsbtvufgy3/index.html