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When protector turns predator

When protector turns predator
When protector turns predator

Gaighat (Udyapur), 5th Jan 2015 : What could be the nastiest instance of incest than a father impregnating his own teenager daughter after repeated rape?

The incident came to light after the medical check up following the repeated illness of the girl.The 14-year-old girl, a fifth grader at a local school in the eastern part of Udayapur district, started falling sick too often lately. As she was taken to the District Hospital Udayapur, her seven-month pregnancy was unveiled, according to the District Police Office, Udayapur.

The victim in her statement has shared that her father, a 35-year man, had been raping her several times in the absence of her mother.She had been keeping mum about the incident fearing the death-threat from her pedophile father.

The District Police Office, Beltar, has already arrested the culprit on Sunday and is preparing to file a rape case against him, informed Dilli Chaudhary, the Police Inspector.The victim is currently under the protection of the Police.                                                                                                                                                                       Source:RSS


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