Home Fashion & Style Centuries talk about human wearing uncomfortable shoes

Centuries talk about human wearing uncomfortable shoes

"Shoes: An Illustrated History" for Sunday PostScript. Only to be used for book feature running Jan. 25, 2015. Photo from Northampton Museums and Art Gallery

"Shoes: An Illustrated History" for Sunday PostScript. Only to be used for book feature running Jan. 25, 2015. Photo from Northampton Museums and Art GalleryJune 14,2015: Stiletto heels may seem like a very modern phenomenon, but people have been wearing awkward footwear in the name of fashion for centuries and putting looks before comfort. It happens across the globe. Humans have been wearing uncomfortable shoes from since centuries. The past of these shoes speak about status of the wearer. It was believed that high shoes show off their status in some way.

Higher the shoes; richer they are and more important they are believed. Heights were the obvious ways to show status. Back in the 16th century, heels when first introduced in the European fashion; brought a complete different movement. So forth, the trend has been improvised by architectural designs and technology today.


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