Home Business Saugat Tiwari- Story of A Young Lad Who Soon Turned Out To...

Saugat Tiwari- Story of A Young Lad Who Soon Turned Out To Be An Initiator and Inspirer


Few years back, a mere teen-ager, Saugat Tiwari, moved forward with a motive in mind – that he had to establish his own business and soon. He worked with all his jill to achieving the target he had set in mind. As per him, he got the motivation from his father, who couldn’t flourish much in his business.

He first started his business career with the establishment of Timro Group without any prior monetary investment. Timro Kawadiwala is one of the initiatives by his team where solid waste materials like bicycle, bottle, rim, tyres, etc are up-cycled. Besides that, Timro Group has also been organizing different programs like Young Entrepreneur Summit, Youth Influence Talk, and so on. This initiation went well for long and with the cash generated from the company, he along with his two other friends, Nikesh Baral and Niraj Duwadi, started Lhayul Laphing business in Chitwan. They now serve ten varieties of laphing and many other food items along-with.


It wasn’t always birds’ chirping and butterflies flying in his journey to success. He had to go through many hardships. People didn’t have much faith in him, as he was just a boy of 18 when he first shared his idea about commencing his business. Furthermore, he was not even a business student. None of that deviated him from his target. He kept pursuing and learning in the course of executing his business. And finally, his utmost efforts and labor paid off well.

One of the finalists of Glocal Teen Hero 2018, Saugat wanted to be the son who could take forward his father’s dreams. Glocal Teen Hero (GTH) is a competitive platform exclusively for the teenagers, which recognizes their initiation, creativity and enthusiasm.  It is a fully funded program exclusively for Nepali Teenagers and is an initiation of Glocal Khabar, an online news portal based on youth, education and entrepreneurship. The prime purpose of this program is to motivate and encourage teenagers to step out of their comfort zone, be creative and nurture entrepreneurial thinking. This year also GTH has been calling out applicants for the purpose. The award night this year will be on 1st of September, 2019. 


We can get to learn so much from youths like him. Saugat, without having any cash at hand, commenced a business; so youths like us, blessed with fair fortune, can obviously start off with a venture no matter how small-scale it maybe during its inception. All that the youths need to do is, know their field of interests and talent, so that they can furnish it in the finest way possible. After that, only sky shall be the limit, meaning, they can pursue what they are good at and ultimately they shall succeed in their doings.

-Shreyasa Dhakal